Friday, November 16, 2012

Do Not Get Caught in the Internet Bait!

The word “Digital Safety” is a topic or a word that many people who utilize the internet and other forms of digital devices; take for granted and is unaware of the threat it may cause them if they are not careful with the information they share or believe while using the different types of digital equipments. However, within our community and in our homes, we can see more and more children and teenagers using computers and other mobile devices to maneuver through their everyday lives. We as adults, who approve and purchase these digital devices, we tend to forget to go over safe using rules or even monitor the amount of time our children use these digital devices.  
Therefore, we must always remember that it is our responsibility to start talking to our children about the internet world, the use of digital devices and how to keep safe while using these forms of technology at an early age. Prior to introducing young children to different variety of technology, it is also important for us as adults to familiarize and learn everything we can about internet safety and the different types of harmful activities that occur while utilizing these digital paraphernalia.  So many people use a great deal of technology; they forget that there are limitations and restrictions to the items and websites to the internet.  

In class, as the four different groups presented on a topic about internet or digital safety, each group came prepared with an abundant amount of information and a variety of safety tips that seemed to connect with each topic. The four topics discussed were: “Fair User Practices and Copyright Issues”, Digital Safety and Privacy, Cyber bullying, and Pharming (farming) and Phishing (fishing).  I really enjoyed each and every presentation. The presentations gave me a comprehensible understanding of the dangers and possibilities of when technology is or can be abused these days.  
As part of in-class presentation, our group (“B” The Beta Bears) presented on “Phishing and Pharming”.  I can admit prior to the presentation, I never really knew how deceiving the internet or web-site world could be. Because I am a very gullible person, I was not aware of the many scam activities within the internet world. After reading and viewing the different examples and ways Phishing and Pharming are presented and carried out through the internet, I realized that I was or became a victim of the phishing & Pharming scam. Through this experience, I have learned that: Phishing is when the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking e-mails, appearing to come from some of the Web's most popular sites, in an effort to obtain personal and financial information from individual recipients. But in Pharming, larger numbers of computer users can be victimized because it is not necessary to target individuals one by one and no conscious action is required on the part of the victim. In one form of Pharming attack, code sent in an e-mail modifies local host files on a personal computer. Nonetheless, I thought that this group project was educational and happens to be the best ones that we have done so far in semester. I have also become more aware of what I share, read, or do while I am on the internet. Also, I have shared the new information and safety tips, as well as gave a time limit to my 14year-old niece that spends most of her time on Facebook, YouTube, and other social media sites.
             As a future educator, I believe that it is very important to teach or discuss with young children about the different topics of Digital Safety. I would definitely teach my students how to be safe on the internet and that all personal information should always be protected in a safe place and kept to themselves and should never ever be shared with anybody, web-site, or social network. Today technology is spreading and is rapidly developing, that nowadays, everybody seems to have access to the internet no matter where they go. More and more children and their families share or have more digital device time than family or quality time. This can also result in children becoming more vulnerable to the dangers and allowing them to become victims of one of the four digital safety issues. 

Technology is unavoidable, so as teachers we are obligated to provide our students with the knowledge and techniques on how to protect themselves. However, as I develop a theme unit on “Digital Safety”, some things to be included in my lesson plans are a variety of activities, independent work, group work, and some hands-on activities for my students. During these activities the students would be doing things like: role playing and other methods for them to interact with each other and have better understanding of the topics. They would be divided into groups where they will work together to present information or to develop a skit/play that explains each Digital Safety topic to the rest of the class. This would provide them the experience of being in a situation and developing a solution to the given situation. This would be a tool to help them realize their actions with technology clearer and to become more aware of their surroundings within the internet.
            Remember, technology can not only be useful, but it can be hurtful as well.  We must never forget to teach our younger children how to properly utilize the internet and other digital devices.  As these issues noticeably increase in the educational field and in our schools, raising awareness is the first step to preventing these harmful digital outbreaks from destroying our future.So "Do Not Get Caught in the Internet Bait!"

Our Group Presentation Link:

Work Cited
"APWG." APWG. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>.
"FDIC: Phishing Scam." FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>.
"cyber bullying protection." cyber bullying protection. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>.
unknown. N.d. na, na. Web. 9 Nov. 2012.